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The Chalk Cliffs

he chalk cliffs are one of the most famous sights of Rügen.

The area with the chalk cliffs is located north of the harbour town Saßnitz (map). It is called "Stubbenkammer". The largest and most famous cliff is called Königsstuhl ("king's chair", see photo). All in all, the cliffs span a distance of several kilometers. You can walk through the forest along the high shore all the way from Saßnitz to the Königsstuhl. Along the way, you have many wonderful views of the different chalks cliffs and the baltic sea. Another option is taking a boat trip along the chalk coast. Those trips start from Sellin's seaside bridge, for example.
The chalk cliffs seen from the sea.
A view from the high shore towards the sea.

The beech forest in the "Stubbenkammer"